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Capstone Research Project

My capstone research project consisted of designing, conducting, and implementing a research study to address an unmet need for certified nursing assistants (CNA). There was clear evidence that many CNAs felt underprepared, unsafe, and uncomfortable with their job-related tasks and abilities directly after taking their training and certifications to become a CNA. To address this unmet need and demand for more education, a group of myself and two other peers created an educational module for CNAs. We focused on activities of daily living, more specifically, dressing. Our module consisted of dressing techniques from an occupational therapy perspective for the upper extremity, lower extremity, dementia, body mechanics, level of assistance required, and more. 


Attached below are downloadable links to the educational module and research poster. 

The Lotus Project

The Lotus Project is a student leadership group that is partnered with the Crystal M. Lange College of Health and Human Services and the Saginaw Valley State University (SVSU) Mental Health and Wellness Center. The Lotus Project was created after the unfortunate school shooting at Oxford High School. Long-term outcomes for survivors of tragedies, such as mass shootings, are improved through community support. The Lotus Project is devoted to creating a safe space for those who have experienced a tragedy, going through mental health concerns, or simply need a place for personal healing. As part of a school project, a group of myself and three other peers collaborated with the Lotus Project to amplify the resources SVSU students can receive. Prior to our contribution and collaboration, the Lotus Project had no funds to establish a home room for the SVSU community to go to. It was our mission to obtain funding to be used to purchase items for their healing room or to develop programs that will be used by the Lotus Project.


We were able to research and find a grant applicable to the mission of the Lotus Project. Due to our efforts, we were able to obtain $5,000 for the Lotus Project to be able to create a safe healing room for all students to go to. As a group we were ecstatic to be able to make a great difference in improving the mental health of our community at SVSU. 

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Case Reports

During my level 1 fieldwork rotations, I created two case reports on two separate clients. I evaluated, treated, interviewed, obtained an occupational profile, and then developed a case report to present to my peers in the classroom. Click the downloadable links below to view them. 

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